Our Approach
Timberline Pacific Co., Inc. is dedicated and committed to making and maintaining healthy forests throughout Northern California. We specialize in masticating brush, limbing and chipping trees, thinning and logging trees to create a fire-safe property free of hazardous fuels. Timberline Pacific Co., Inc. can rehab your property after a wildfire, to remove dead or burned and hazardous trees, remove melted culverts and install new drainage structures, install erosion control bio-degradable fiber rolls, silt fencing, seed and straw to help prevent erosion, mud slides and ash sediment from entering the watersheds. Timberline Pacific Co., Inc. can keep your ranch roads open and maintained for safe travel during a wildfire and for emergency fire personnel to quickly and safely access your property.
Timberline Pacific Co. can evaluate, execute and construct fire breaks in key areas to increase the safety of your home, out-buildings and emergency exits on your property, then simply maintain them annually through mowing. Benefits of vegetation management also include
eliminating hazardous pests, insects and rodents such as pack rats and mice that carry Leptospirosis, a deadly virus known to be fatal to people, pets and wild animals. Rattlesnakes hunt rats and mice in tall grass and brush and can also be fatal if bitten by the snake. Ticks and tick-born diseases such as Lymes and Bartinella can cause many serious side affects,
illnesses and even death to humans and pets. Coyotes, bobcats and mountain lions also hide in tall grass and brush to ambush their prey including humans and family pets.
Our Story
Contact Us Today
Please let us give you a "clear view" of possibilities to develop a fire safe pest
free environment to your timber holdings, investment properties or the place you call home.